Madame Monique BRANCHU born MORTAUD

Photo 842857
Resident at La Chapelle-Saint-Laurent (79430)
Born in La Chapelle-Saint-Laurent (79430) on 26 February 1932
Died in La Chapelle-Saint-Laurent (79430) on 05 October 2024 at the age of 92 years
Widow of Monsieur Bernard BRANCHU
1 memory tree planted (226 kg of CO2 absorbed)  (05 October 2024)
I plant a memory tree
Espace « condoléances » (05 October 2024)

Resting place of the deceased, Chambre Funéraire Berson (Moncoutant)
Visits, 10H-12-H ET DE 14H30 A 18H00

église of Largeasse on Wednesday 9 October at 10 hours 30

79240 Largeasse

See also :